It’s about women. It’s about beauty. It’s about time.
Recharge Yourself Every Night — Melanin Sleep Guarantees You the Deepest, Most Restful Sleep of Your Life
If you’re a busy black woman looking for a superpower to help you achieve more (and get rid of eye bags)… I've got some news for you.
There is a brand-new, natural sleep aid on the market that helps you get the sweetest slumber of your life – without all the side-effects of sleeping pills.
Melanin Sleep’s unique formula combines a mineral known as ‘the natural knockout pill’ with an essential amino acid that our bodies can't produce by itself…
A nature-based recipe that gives you vivid dreams at night and the energy and drive to get up in the morning and make those dreams a reality.
Hello I'm Vicki Irvin.
I’m a black woman fighting every day to build a better life for me and my family.
I face many of the same problems you do:
Trying to balance being a mother and working on my own dreams and aspiration while worrying that my son will get a fair chance in life...
Along with all the other stresses we all have to deal with in today's world: economic uncertainty, systemic racism, political instability, technological advancements, rising healthcare costs and so on.
I used to lose the fight to these forces every day, until I found a little-known potion that gives me so much juice, people ask me:
“What’s your secret?”
I'll tell you about my magic elixir in a moment, but first let me lay it out for you in regards to stress and aging.
Fact #1: if you want to be successful you are going to have to learn to deal with stress.
Period. Trying to avoid stress is like burying your head in the sand, hoping it will all go away.
You know that won't work.
There's a better way:
Make Yourself Stronger So That Any Stress Bounces Off You
My business mentor once shared this quote with me:
“Don't wish it were easy, wish you were better."
How do you do that?
Take care of your physical needs first so you can give the world the best of you. Make big deposits in your sleep bank so you can make withdrawals when life gets demanding.
Don't run your body on fumes.
Fact #2: We don’t just get dark circles around our eyes because of age or genetics. No. Those bags appear in our 30’s and 40’s because, by that time, we have accumulated more sleepless nights.
Sleep is the Secret to Beauty
Here’s what Beyonce has to say about the importance of catching some Z’s:
“Having happiness and healthiness is my version of beauty. And you can’t have any of that without sleep.”
Amen to that.
Now you might not be on the cover of Vogue magazine, but you still want to sparkle, right?
You need to be on top of your game to be able to handle all the demands and challenges that come with being a black woman today.
Scratch that. How about performing just 20% better?
If I offered you a pill that guaranteed those results would you take it?
If you said yes I have something even better for you — it's not a pill. Unlike pharmaceutical pills, what I’m offering you is safe and effective.
An all natural herbal solution to relieve stress and promote deep relaxation the way mother nature intended.
But before I tell you how you can get your hands on this bottle, let me share the biggest benefit of getting deeper sleep.
I've waited until now to share this because it's a bit personal and a bit embarrassing. You see, for most of my adult life I’ve been known as a fitness fanatic.
But in the past few years I’ve had to work harder to stay in shape.
My metabolism seemed to be slowing down and my skin was losing its luster…
Until I learned that poor sleep was making me crave unhealthy foods, something I had never done before.
A study at Chicago University showed that cutting people’s sleep down to 4 hours increased their levels of ghrelin (hormone that increases appetite) by 28%.
At the same time their levels of leptin (a hormone that signals to the brain we are full) dropped by 18%.
So it doesn't matter how many steps you log on your Fit-Bit or if you skip dessert once in a while….
If you're not sleeping well your body will crave high-carbohydrate foods.
But the good news is...
... if you turn wakeful nights into snooze fests you will rebalance your appetite hormones in a couple of weeks.
That means you get rid of your cravings rather than having to fight them. All the willpower you were using to say ‘No’ to Krispy Kremes can go towards being a better mother and businesswoman.
Can You Turn Back The Clock on Aging?
None of us can stop aging. But we can slow it down. While all the other women your age are dropping off a cliff (health and looks-wise) you could be declining by just 1% per year.
It’s not a miracle - nature gives us the chance to rejuvenate and heal every night…
If you can access those restorative stores of deep sleep.
No pesticides. No opioids. No synthetic hormones.
Only botanical ingredients from the Earth — not from a Lab.
“The more bitter the medicine, the better it is for you”.
Some customers have commented on the slightly pungent aroma of Melanin Sleep.
One woman told me, “It smells like when you fertilize your grass.”
I explained to her that the scent comes from Valerian oil which smells worse than the flower itself. I describe the odor as more ‘earthy’ than ‘foul’ and the fermentation process is natural.
And like drinking Wheatgrass shots, I know how much it will improve the way I feel and look, so I chug it down and feel the benefits.
Only botanical ingredients from the Earth — not from a Lab.
“The more bitter the medicine, the better it is for you”.
Some customers have commented on the slightly pungent aroma of Melanin Sleep.
One woman told me, “It smells like when you fertilize your grass.”
I explained to her that the scent comes from Valerian oil which smells worse than the flower itself. I describe the odor as more ‘earthy’ than ‘foul’ and the fermentation process is natural.
And like drinking Wheatgrass shots, I know how much it will improve the way I feel and look, so I chug it down and feel the benefits.
A Simple Invitation With No Strings Attached – Test Melanin Sleep for 30 Days — Then Decide
One bottle of Melanin Sleep will last you one month. If at the end of that month you're not sleeping like Rip Van Winkle simply send us an email, or give us a call, and we will refund you all your money.
No questions. No hassles.
No Need to Send Back the Bottle. Our Gift for You for Giving Us a Try
What have you got to lose?
Why wait another sleepless night?
You’ve suffered from subpar sleep and below-par physical and mental performance for too long.
I can rave to you about the benefits of giving your body everything it needs to heal itself but you'll just have to experience It for yourself.
So rather than simply reading about the dramatic life changes that come from Improving ⅓ of your life...
Why Don't You Order Melanin Sleep Today?
Click on the button below to get started.
P.S. Remember: If you decide Melanin Sleep isn’t for you, request a refund and keep the remaining capsules with our compliments.